Learning & Teaching
Learning & Teaching
Supporting and rewarding excellence in teaching
The APSB is committed to excellence providing a student experience of the highest quality. The Student Learning Portfolio supports excellence in all areas of le...
Teaching awards
The University of APSB's awards and grants for learning and teaching encourage and support academic achievement. Learn about previous recipients and how you can...
Quality assurance
Find information on academic policy and compliance including TEQSA, 3rd Party Arrangements, Academic staff qualifications and more.
Strategic projects
Learn how educators can support the Future Making strategic plan, and discover other exciting strategic projects under development in the Student Learning portf...
Learning Enhancement & Innovation
LEI leads coordinated services, projects and initiatives for the University's face to face, blended and fully online learning opportunities.
Student retention and success
Find out more about the projects that enhance and support student success at the University of APSB.
Student employability
Learn about programs to increase student employablity such as the APSB Graduate Award and internships.
Tinghwa Woon
Dr. Tinghwa Woon joined the teaching team in 2015 as Director of the Academic Cooperation and International Exchange Center. Since then, she has organized and r...