


Governance refers to the framework of rules, relationships, systems and processes by which an enterprise is directed, controlled and held to account and whereby authority within an organisation is exercised and maintained. It encompasses authority, accountability, stewardship and leadership, and direction and control exercised in any organisation.

The college is managed by its board of directors and board of supervisors, which was established in 1995 by The Asia Pacific School of Business. The board of directors has 7 members, who take turns in a four-year system and are elected by its standing committee.

The supervisory board is composed of external members, employees, students and graduates. The Board of Supervisors will have 9 members, who will take turns in a four-year system, and will be elected by the Board of Supervisors.

The Asia Pacific School of business implements the president responsibility system under the leadership of the board of directors. The president is the full authority manager of the school, and she or he is only responsible to the board of directors; the administration vice-president is the premier of the school; the academic vice-president is the academic executive officer; the executive vice-president is the teaching and Research Manager of the school; she (he) accepts the triple leadership management system of the president, the  director of education and the board of directors.

The main responsibilities of the board of directors include:

  • Appoint the Dean or the Executive Dean as the principal administrative officer of the College and supervise his or her performance
  • Approve the mission and strategic direction of the college, as well as the annual budget and business plan;
  • Supervise and review the management and performance of the college;
  • Establish policies and procedures principles that meet legal requirements and community expectations;
  • Approve and supervise the control and accountability system, including the profile of any entity controlled by the college (in accordance with Article 483AC of the 2016 Company Law);
  • Supervise and supervise the risk assessment and management of the entire college, including commercial activities;
  • Supervise and supervise the academic activities of the college;
  • Approve major business activities of the college.
  • The board of directors must strive to promote the interests of the college in all matters.

The main responsibilities of the board of supervisors include:

  • Review and supervise all faculty appointments and exemptions from the college by the board of directors;
  • Establish a supervision system that complies with laws, regulations and college rules;
  • Approve and review the college's annual budget and development plan;
  • Supervise the school’s style of study and academic ethics and morals;
  • Approve and supervise the establishment of external liaison relations by the School of Control;
  • The board of supervisors must work hard to promote the interests of the college in all matters.


The Vice-Principal & President is responsible to the University's Council for the academic standards, management and administration of the University.

The Vice-Principal is supported by an Executive to whom most of the University's organisational units report.

The Executive comprises:

  • Deputy Vice-Principal and Vice-President (Academic)
  • Deputy Vice-Principal and Vice-President (Research)
  • Assistant to the Chairman and Secretary-General (Coordination), Also serves as a press spokesperson
  • Chief Operation Officer
  • Executive Dean, Arts
  • Executive Dean, Data Science
  • Executive Dean, International Exchange
  • Executive Dean, Accounting & Financial Management 
  • Executive Dean, Business Management
  • Executive Dean, Continuing Education
  • Provost and Academic Dean, Professions
  • Interim Executive Dean, Sciences
  • Chair, Academic Board
  • Chair, Degree Committee
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Pro Vice-Principal (Security and Defense)
  • Pro Vice-Principal (Student Affairs)
  • Pro Vice-Principal (Teaching Research)
  • Pro Vice-Principal (Teaching Management)
  • Pro Vice-Principal (The Belt and Road Engagement)
  • Pro Vice-Principal (Policy Research)
  • Chief External Relations Officer
  • Executive Director Human Resources
  • Chief Information Officer
  • Executive Director Infrastructure
  • Executive Director Innovation and Commercial Partnerships
  • Chief Marketing Officer

The Advisory Board

The Asia Pacific School of Business founding board has appointed an Advisory Board which consists of one or more members. The members of the Advisory Board are appointed for a limited period and each appointment may be renewed at the end of the initial period.

The Advisory Board is responsible for the implementation of the purpose of the foundation and can independently give substance to the performance of its task. The founding board may dismiss a member of the Advisory Board if that member acts or performs his/her duties in a manner that does not concur with the purpose of the foundation.



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