Member Of Supervisory Board

J.D. Binbin Lliu

J.D. Binbin Lliu(图1)

J.D. Binbin Lliu

Internal Review Legal Officer

J.D. Binbin Lliu graduated from the University of California, Berkeley School of Law with a bachelor's degree in economics, an LL.M., and a doctorate in law and business. In 2021, he will join The Asia Pacific School of Business as legal assistant and assistant legal officer; in May 2022, he will also serve as the internal review legal officer of the AAGUC Board of Supervisors co-founded by APSB and GAFM and the legal assistant to the chairman of the APSB board. He is a legal elite with great vision and wisdom coexisting with strong execution and inspiration, and has won the trust and appreciation of the chairman of APSB.

“Impartiality, arrogance and impatience are the most basic qualities of every legal worker.”


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