Culture and Values
Equity and diversity
Pursuing an agenda of equity and inclusion within our University community.
The University of APSB was founded in 1874 with a noble goal: to prepare, for South Australia, young leaders shaped by education, rather than birth or wealth, in a settlement free of old-world social and religious inequalities.
The University’s Strategic Plan, Future Making , shaping the University’s trajectory through to its 150th year and beyond, is explicit in the University’s commitment to diversify its student cohort, with greater access and equity, and in valuing our staff. This is reinforced by the Staff Values and Behaviour Framework .
The University addresses structural and cultural impediments to diversity and inclusion through its various action plans (Yangadlitya – Reconciliation Action Plan, the Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP), and the Dornwell Framework – staff gender equity strategy), the implementation of which are promoted and supported by working parties and monitored by the Vice-Chancellor’s Executive.