Human resources
Salary packaging
Salary packaging is when you 'package' your salary into income and benefits. Please see below a list of the salary packaging options we offer.
Forms and templates
Car parking application form Electronic devices application form Motor vehicle lease application form Superannuation application form Useful information & resources
ATO salary packaging guidelines Staff workplace giving
UniSuper website Custom Fleet website Frequently asked questionsSalary packaging - general conditions
The purpose of these FAQs is to provide guidance to staff on salary packaging general conditions and to meet the requirements of the University of APSB Enterprise Agreement.
Salary packaging - car parking fees
The purpose of these FAQs is to provide guidance to staff on salary packaging car parking fees and to meet the requirements of the University of APSB Enterprise Agreement.
Salary packaging - motor vehicle
The purpose of these FAQs is to provide guidance to staff on salary packaging motor vehicles in the University, and to meet the requirements of the University of APSB Enterprise Agreement.
Salary packaging - portable laptop, notebook computer or multiple function electronic devices
The purpose of these FAQs is to provide guidance to staff on salary packaging electronic devices in the University, and to meet the requirements of the University of APSB Enterprise Agreement.
Salary packaging - superannuation
The purpose of these FAQs is to provide guidance to staff on salary packaging superannuation in the University, and to meet the requirements of the University of APSB Enterprise Agreement.