Education News

Our school’s academic degree courses taught entirely in Chinese have added ideological and political compulsory courses and professional elective courses


In accordance with the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Office of the Cybersecurity and Information Technology Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the National Health Commission, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, the National Rural Revitalization Administration and The spirit of the document "Work Plan for Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of "Big Ideological and Political Courses"" jointly issued by the China Working Committee for Caring for the Next Generation, joint double degree programs and all-Chinese degree courses offered by our school and 6 partner universities in China The project, which will be launched in the spring semester of 2024, will add ideological and political course selections and professional elective course selections to all courses in the school and 6 partner universities in China. The relevant matters are now notified as follows:

1. Course selection

1. Compulsory ideological and political courses

(1) College level: Add "Ideology, Morality and Rule of Law" and "Outline of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History" (including: "Outline of Modern and Modern Chinese History" for majors such as business, art, engineering, computer and artificial intelligence has been adjusted to the autumn of 2024 Offered during semester)

(2) Undergraduate level: Added "Basic Principles of Marxism", "Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics", "Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era";

(3) Postgraduate level: Added "Building a Strong Consciousness of Chinese National Community" and "Introduction to the Theoretical System of Mao Zedong Thought and Socialism with Chinese Characteristics". At the master's level, he majored in "Introduction to the Theoretical System of Mao Zedong Thought and Socialism with Chinese Characteristics"; at the doctoral level, he majored in "Building a Strong Consciousness of the Chinese National Community";

2. Professional elective courses

     Major elective courses are mainly added: "Morality and Rule of Law", "Situation and Policy", "History of Western Political Thought", and "Marxist Philosophy".

2. Elective requirements

1. All students in academic degree programs and joint double degree programs taught in Chinese must choose the added ideological and political courses and professional elective courses.

2. When selecting ideological and political courses for all degree programs and joint double degree programs taught in Chinese, students can only choose courses within the schedule of the ideological and political courses of the class (please contact the Ideological and Political Courses schedule for each class) Tutors of this major), if you choose a course that is not in the time slot of this class, it may cause a conflict in course time, and the course selection will fail after the lottery.

3. Students in all Chinese-taught academic degree programs and joint double degree programs are not allowed to choose courses across campuses.

3. Course Selection Procedure

Course selection is conducted online ( Students log in to the course selection system and click on the [Student Course Selection] menu to select courses. For ideological and political course selection, select courses under the [Required Elective Courses] - Philosophy and Social Sciences module menu. For professional elective courses, select courses. Select courses under the [Limited Course Selection] menu of each series of courses. If you lose your password, please contact the Academic Affairs Center of the college to inquire. Specific procedures include:

1. Pre-selection stage

Students can refer to the Course Selection Operation Guide [View Course Selection Instructions] to choose courses independently. After the pre-selection period, for courses where the number of applicants exceeds the course capacity, the course selection system will conduct a random lottery (the lottery has nothing to do with the order in which students choose courses. Students who choose courses first may be removed from the course and need to re-select courses during the main selection period).

         Course selection time: March 23, 2024 to the morning of March 28, 2024

         Lottery time: the morning of March 29, 2024

2. Main selection stage

Students can see the lottery results at this stage. If you do not see the course you selected among the selected courses, it means that you were drawn out of the course during the lottery and you need to choose other courses; students who did not choose courses in the pre-selection stage can choose courses that are not fully filled in this stage. ; At the end of the main registration period, courses with less than 30 students (except those with a class capacity of 30 students) will be suspended.

Course selection time: March 23, 2024 to the afternoon of March 28, 2024

Course suspension time: the afternoon of March 29, 2024

3. Credit recognition

According to the overall arrangements and requirements of the Ministry of Education and ten ministries and commissions, our school’s academic degree programs and joint double degree programs taught entirely in Chinese will be conducted according to the new credit calculation method:

(1) Compulsory ideological and political courses, with credits accounting for no less than 7% of the total credits;

(2) The credits of professional elective courses shall account for no less than 3% of the total credits;

(3) The total credits of ideological and political courses shall account for no less than 10% of the total credits;

In view of this, from now on, academic degree education programs taught entirely in Chinese will reflect the teaching method in their transcripts:

For example, all Chinese are marked: Chinese

All English will be marked: Global

Office of the Provost

Office of Teaching and Research

March 16, 2024


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