Education News

A new chapter in artificial intelligence-our school offers relevant courses



On February 27, our school signed a joint education agreement with Jinan University in China and held a work arrangement meeting for the "Artificial Intelligence General Education Core Curriculum System". At the meeting, our school and Jinan University in China jointly released the "Artificial Intelligence General Education Core Curriculum System" teaching and course plan for freshmen in the fall of 2024.

It is reported that our school will rely on Jinan University in China to jointly build a "2+X+Y" three-level "artificial intelligence general core course system", with 2 compulsory artificial intelligence general core courses + X artificial intelligence literacy courses + Y Based on cutting-edge expansion courses that deeply integrate various disciplines with artificial intelligence, education and teaching are carried out from the three dimensions of knowledge, ability, values and ethics. At the same time, we explore practical paths for the deep integration of artificial intelligence and education. In terms of teaching content, teaching staff, and teaching Promote changes in aspects such as methods, learning methods, and assessment methods.

"Only by keeping up with the pace of the times and grasping the pulse of the times can we follow the trend, respond to the trend, and firmly grasp the innovation and development initiative in our own hands." Professor Zhang Xiaojun, President of Jinan University and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that in mobile Driven by new theories and technologies such as the Internet, big data, supercomputing, sensor networks, and brain science, artificial intelligence has had a significant and far-reaching impact on economic development, social progress, global governance and other aspects. The establishment of a general core course system for artificial intelligence is an inevitable requirement to keep pace with the times and cultivate new people of the times, and to cultivate new scientific and technological talents for the country and nation.

Academician Jhenming Jhuang said that our school and China's Jinan University have fully investigated and discussed the five major issues of artificial intelligence courses: "what to teach", "who will teach", "when to teach", "how to teach" and "how to evaluate", and launched " Artificial Intelligence General Core Curriculum System”. In the future, the two universities will vigorously strengthen the construction of artificial intelligence-related disciplines, jointly build an artificial intelligence practical application platform with scientific research institutions and industrial enterprises, create various practical application scenarios, and use artificial intelligence to empower curriculum reform and the cultivation of top innovative talents, and cultivate and Improve students' intellectual literacy, innovation ability and lifelong learning ability in the intelligent era.

According to the syllabus and course plan, students can obtain an artificial intelligence professional training certificate after systematic study and training and meeting certain conditions. In 2024, the two schools will adopt the "Artificial Intelligence General Education Core Curriculum System" to fully empower education and teaching reform and innovation with artificial intelligence, and build a system and mechanism for the deep integration of artificial intelligence and education and teaching.


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